Top 5 Languages In Programming

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Being a programmer, of course, cannot be separated from the term programming language. Programming languages ​​play an important role in a computer's functioning properly because all its instruments cannot be separated from these elements.

Smart computers and smartphones are called smart because of the role of a programmer who is indeed talented in compiling algorithms. If you are considered a beginner in this new programming world, enjoy science because the world needs your contribution to developing technology.

Of the many languages ​​used by programmers, five languages have the best trending according to many versions, such as StackOverflow, Geeksforgeeks, Hackernoon, etc. What's interesting about the five programming languages ​​is that the majority of companies don't need a college degree to recruit employees who are experts in this field. A qualified skill with a proven good portfolio is enough for a company to choose you.

If you're wondering about what best programming languages to learn, here are five of them:

Top 5 Languages In Programming

1. Swift

This language was developed directly by the company Apple Inc. to develop their custom products such as iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Swift is a language that is very easy for beginners to understand. This system provides good scalability so that the high data used does not have much impact on performance.

Currently, the competition between Swift(iOS) and Java(Android OS) makes these two languages ​​widely used by mobile developers. To provide good community service, every mobile developer will create two iOS and Android OS applications. For example, the GOJEK company must provide applications for these two OSes in touching all market segments.

2. Java

The next language is Java. A highly versatile platform with high portability makes Java favoured by local and international application developers. This language is object-oriented, so it is easy to use.

This language is often used for Android OS. Smartphone brands widely use Android, so app developers are elementary to sell their products.

You can always learn about programming languages, including Java, on any site. However, we highly advise only visiting the recommended websites. Since not all websites are safe, we also recommend using an antivirus. You can always be protected by using antivirus software with internet protection. Thus, you don’t have to worry about online browsing risks.

3. SQL

 Commonly known as Structured Query Language, SQL is commonly used for database systems. Developers will use the SQL language for administrating, updating, maintaining, and manipulating databases or tables that use business decision-making.

Today's largest use of SQL is in the latest IT environments, such as cloud-native systems, virtual networks, and more. Big companies like IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle use the SQL language.

Professions that handle this language are usually Back-End Developers and Full Stack Developers. Through various labour platforms and social media, many job vacancies require full-stack and back-end developers with relatively high salaries. Because as technology develops, big data handling is carried out efficiently.

4. JavaScript

This is one of the most commonly used languages on the client side. This indicates that the JS code is written into the HTML page. When a user requests a JS-based HTML page, the script is sent to the browser, and it's up to the browser to do something with it.

The JS scripts in the HTML make it easy for anyone to see and copy the code. I believe this openness allows learners or beginners to view, learn, and use any JS examples on the WWW.

As the language used for web developers, HTML, CSS, and Javascript packages are often used as a skill requirement for the Front End Developer profession. Before learning Javascript, it would be nice for beginners to master HTML and CSS because the learning sequence has become a curriculum for various educational institutions.

5. Pythons

The language that is always ranked in the top 5 best programming languages ​​is Python. The reason is enough to explain that this language produces famous products such as Youtube, Instagram, Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo!, Nasa, and many others.

This language is commonly used for scientific and mathematical computing; even Artificial Intelligence projects also use Python. The project has resulted in various innovations such as the Nuke effect visual composer, 3-dimensional modeling, animation packages, drive car automation, and others.

As a beginner in the programming world, you can learn this language for the web, software, or games. AI issues currently hot today make Python language very needed and has prospects in the world of work. You can learn about it by being self-taught. But to become a professional requires expensive education such as courses or college tuition.How to Effectively Learn Programming Languages

1. Choose the programming language you want to learn and master

The first step to self-taught programming is determining the language you will learn. Determining a programming language is important for you to focus on learning programming languages. Random learning of programming languages ​​will only hinder the process of learning programming languages.

Tips in choosing a programming language are based on the capabilities that exist in you. Knowing your inner abilities is important so you can learn programming languages ​​easily.

You can learn HTML first if you are a beginner in this field. Furthermore, when you are a pro of HTML, you can move on to the next discussion. The point is that as a beginner, you can learn the easiest programming language to learn first.

However, what needs to be underlined is that learning programming is not enough just to master one programming language. To learn better, focus on these things:

  • Improve how to learn programming languages ​​with a higher level of difficulty
  • Take small notes to jot down important points in the programming language you are learning
  • Reread notes as often as possible, so you don't forget them easily.

2. Use the help of modules or programming reading materials with complete tutorials

The second step in learning programming languages ​​is using modules or books as supporting tools for learning. Modules and books can be the right tools to speed up the process of learning programming.

You need to choose the right modules and books with complete tutorials on how to learn to program. If you use more than one module or reading book, make sure to arrange or arrange the reading material coherently so that you don't have difficulties in learning.

Using separate and scattered reading material will only make the process of learning programming that you do longer. Therefore, ensure you always take an inventory of the reading materials you use while learning to program.

3. Create and arrange a programming study schedule

The third step in how to learn to program is to make a programming study schedule. You can create a daily or weekly study schedule. Creating a debate study schedule speeds you up in understanding programming.

You need to force yourself to stick to the programming study schedule that you create. Don't get used to being absent for not studying, even if only once. This is because if you continue to leave, it will further increase your laziness in learning.

In contrast, if learning is done seriously and on schedule, learning activities will eventually become a habit.

In compiling a programming study schedule, you can spend about 1 to 2 hours in one day learning programming. There is no need to do the routine of learning programming every day if indeed, you don't have that much time.

You can make a study schedule that does not interfere with your daily activities. To remind you of your programming study schedule, you can put notes on your phone calendar or create a daily calendar in your book.

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